Finding a place where you can share your thoughts
in an honest, open and constructive way.

Topics for executive coaching can include:

  • Your career is developing well, but you experience too much pressure, which affects your performance and well-being.
  • Your diary is controlling you, not the other way around.
  • You want to develop your leadership style and make your team perform better, but don’t know how.
  • You are successful but wonder whether it is time for a change. Even though you enjoy your career, you ask yourself if you want to carry on like this for another 10 or 20 years.
  • You want to move to the next level but feel the need to develop and expand your skill set.

How can I help you?

  • My coaching programmes offer you a confidential environment, free from your daily pressures.

  • I listen to you, ask questions, and may challenge you. You can draw on my years of experience in global business, when applicable.

  • Express your thoughts, be encouraged and challenged. Start looking from different angles and dare to question the status quo.

  • You set the agenda and I will support you through that agenda, helping you reach your goals.

“Frank  offers “what if” questions and makes me evaluate the impact of potential solutions – versus going for one answer. This allows me to own my decisions.”

(Vice President of Corporate Development and Investor Relations)